Who’s Who?

Board of Directors:

President: Ben Spaulding
Vice President: Jess Petersen
Secretary: Elena Doty
Members at Large: Doug Lipinski, Derek Lo and Dennis Shay
Treasurer: Ewa Zaborowska

CLUB Coordinators:

Membership: Jurre Kamphorst

Volunteer: Margaret Schneider

SRR Kids: Kids Program

Social media and Marketing: Marketing Committee

Community Involvement: Nick Close

Boston Marathon: marathon@srr.org

Uniforms and Merchandise: Annie and Rich Lawson

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Awareness (IDEA): Dennis Shay and Urvi Mujumdar

Run Clinic Coordinator: Fatema Kanchwala

Race Directors:

26x1 Relay: Brendan Kearney (primary point of contact) and Brian Cullinan (internal logistics)

Gobble x3: Gobble Race Directors

MOM’s run: MOM’s Run Race Committee

Weekly Runs:

Monday Night Bur-Run: Ben Spaulding

Track: Joe O’Leary

Wednesday Morning Run: (Coordinator Wanted!) WednesdayRun@srr.org

Wednesday Night Squirrel Scramble: Scott Abrams

Thursday Night Casey’s Run: Doug Lipinski

Weekend Long Runs: See the long runs page for pace group coordinators


If you represent a business, brand or other organization and you would like to partner with SRR, please fill out our brief partnership form so we can put you in touch with the right people.

Mailing Address:

Somerville Road Runners
PO Box 442048
Somerville, MA 02144-0018

Give FEedback / Report an Incident

Did you have or witness a problem at an SRR event or involving an SRR member? Please contact the SRR board or use this incident report form to let us know. We want to make sure SRR is a safe, fun and welcoming community for everyone.

WEBSITE CONTENT: webmaster@srr.org

FILE AN EXPENSE REPORT: Expense report form